How to Improve Your Squarespace Website's Accessibility for Better User Experience and SEO

Accessibility is pivotal to ensure that all users, irrespective of any potential disability or impairment, can interact with your Squarespace website with ease. Prioritising accessibility not only contributes to a better user experience but can also improve your website's SEO performance. Catering to a diverse audience, your accessible website demonstrates your business's commitment to inclusion, creating a positive brand image and fostering customer loyalty.

This comprehensive guide will help you understand the importance of web accessibility and provide practical tips to improve your Squarespace website's accessibility, aligning your site with best practices, and maintaining compliance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Follow these steps to create an inclusive website experience for all users while optimising your site for search engine rankings.

At Winn-Brown & Co, our expert team of web designers, developers, and Squarespace professionals is dedicated to helping your small business maximise the opportunities offered by the digital landscape. Understanding the necessity of catering to all users, we work with you to refine your Squarespace website's accessibility features, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable browsing experience for everyone. Collaborate with Winn-Brown & Co to elevate your website's accessibility standards and empower your small business to flourish in the digital realm.

Understanding the Importance of Web Accessibility

Web accessibility is essential for providing equal access to information and functionality for users with disabilities, such as visual, auditory, cognitive or motor impairments. With the rise of digital technology, websites have become a crucial source of information and services in numerous aspects of daily life, making accessible design indispensable. Additionally, ensuring your website's accessibility aligns with legal requirements and boosts SEO performance, as search engines appreciate universally accessible content.

Ensuring Compliance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) provide a set of recommendations designed to make web content more accessible for individuals with disabilities. Following these guidelines will not only improve your website's accessibility but also enhance user experience, benefiting all users. Key WCAG principles include:

1. Perceivable: Information on your website must be perceivable to all users, with alternative methods for presenting content, such as text alternatives for images.

2. Operable: Your website's interface must be operable by all users, including those with limited motor skills or using alternative input devices.

3. Understandable: Your website's information and interface must be easy to comprehend, with simple navigation, clear instructions and consistent layouts.

4. Robust: Your website must work effectively with a wide range of devices, browsers and assistive technologies to accommodate all users.

Making Your Squarespace Website Accessible

Squarespace provides several built-in features that contribute to accessibility, but you should take additional measures to ensure optimal accessibility. Here are some actionable steps to make your Squarespace website more accessible:

1. Include Descriptive Alt Text for Images: Adding descriptive alt text to images on your site aids visually impaired users who rely on screen readers by providing a text-based description of the image's content.

Steps to add alt text in Squarespace: In the image editor, click the 'Design' tab, select 'Inline', 'Poster', 'Card', or 'Overlap', and under the 'Content' tab, add your descriptive alt text to the 'Image Description' field.

2. Use Sensible Heading Structures: Following a logical heading structure makes it easier for screen readers to understand and navigate your content.

Steps to structure headings in Squarespace: Use Heading 1 (H1) for the main title or page headings, Heading 2 (H2) for subheadings, and Heading 3 (H3) for further subsections. In the Squarespace editor, use the 'Text' block and select the appropriate heading level from the dropdown menu.

3. Ensure Adequate Colour Contrast: Proper colour contrast between the text and background is crucial for users with low vision or colour blindness. Keep the contrast ratio at a minimum of 4.5:1 for regular text and 3:1 for large text, as recommended by WCAG.

Steps to adjust colour contrast in Squarespace: In your site's design settings, choose contrasting colours for 'Text' and 'Background'. Test your colour contrast using a free online contrast ratio checking tool.

4. Utilise Keyboard-Navigable Menus: Ensure your website's menus can be navigated using the keyboard, as some users with disabilities rely solely on keyboard navigation.

Steps to enable keyboard navigation in Squarespace: Most Squarespace templates natively support keyboard navigation. To verify, use the 'Tab' key to navigate your site and ensure all links, forms, and buttons can be accessed and activated.

Implementing Additional Accessibility Features

In addition to the steps listed above, consider implementing the following additional accessibility features to improve your Squarespace website's user experience:

1. Add Transcripts or Captions to Audio and Video Content: This allows users with hearing impairments to follow along with spoken words, while enhancing SEO benefits.

2. Use ARIA Labels and Roles: ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) attributes provide additional context and information about interactive elements to assistive technologies, improving the browsing experience for users with disabilities.

3. Offer a 'Skip to Main Content' Link: A 'Skip to Main Content' link allows users relying on keyboard navigation or screen readers to bypass repetitive navigation menus and quickly access the primary content.


By prioritising accessibility in your Squarespace website, you can enhance user experience, increase engagement, and improve SEO performance. Implementing best practices such as WCAG compliance and ADA adherence, as well as optimising your site for people with disabilities, demonstrates your commitment to inclusion and fosters a positive brand image. Partner with the expert team at Winn-Brown & Co for custom Squarespace website design to refine your website's accessibility features, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable experience for all users. Get in touch with us today to begin transforming your Squarespace website into an inclusive and thriving digital space.

Dylan Winn-Brown

Dylan Winn-Brown is a freelance web developer & Squarespace Expert based in the City of London.

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